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In the aerospace industry, cutting-edge engineering and technology are routine. However, the relatively unremarkable hangar floor plays a crucial role in the background operations that provide effective and secure aircraft maintenance. The flooring of a hangar is more than just a part of the building, it is an essential component that supports large aircraft, makes maintenance easier and ensures smooth aerospace operations.

Bearing aircraft weight

As aircraft can weigh several tons, the hangar flooring must handle these heavy loads when planes are parked or being serviced. Aircraft come in vastly different sizes, from small private planes to giant commercial jets. To withstand the immense pressure caused by resting aircraft and damage from fallen engine components, spilled tools or sharp items coming into touch with the flooring, hangar flooring must be engineered for durability.

Assisting maintenance activities

Aircraft inspection and repairs involve meticulous, complex processes requiring absolute precision and efficiency. The hangar floor serves as the foundation for various maintenance jobs like part replacements, avionics upgrades and more. High-performance hangar flooring enables crews to work smoothly and productively.

Even non-slippery surfaces are essential for changing tires, hoisting engines or installing new navigation equipment. Pitted, uneven or fragile floors slow down heavy rolling stock, cause safety issues and risk damage to aircraft. Durable, chemical-resistant floor coatings with non-skid traits help create optimal conditions for maintenance personnel.

Safeguarding aircraft integrity

Maintaining complete aircraft structural integrity is non-negotiable for flight safety. Appropriately built hangar floors help prevent corrosion, a common problem in aviation due to chemical solutions and moisture. Over time, exposure can undermine aircraft component strength. Chemical-resistant flooring solutions, such as chemical-resistant epoxy flooring coating, act as protective barriers, stopping contaminants from reaching sensitive parts. This extends the equipment’s lifespan while minimizing maintenance needs.

Promoting safety standards

Within aerospace, ensuring team safety is a top priority. Creating secure work zones largely hinges on the hangar floor layout and materials. Designs that reduce accident risks are necessary for workers, machines and towed aircraft. Spills including oil, aviation fuel and other fluids can cause a slick surface. Installing non-slip epoxy flooring will minimize the risk of employee injury. Visible markings or signage and sealed concrete and drainage infrastructure are other key elements to keeping the environment safe.

Epoxy floors offer many benefits

To be successful with your flooring and hit all the essential marks, epoxy flooring with coatings is a great choice. Epoxy floors provide many advantages that make them well-suited for aircraft hangars. The thick coatings resist chemicals, liquids and heavy impacts while lasting for years with minimal upkeep. Professional epoxy floors feature vibrant colors, non-slip traction and jointless surfaces. Additionally, customized epoxy coating solutions can offer benefits like static control and chemical resistance.


Although hidden from view, hangar floors critically influence aircraft safety, efficient maintenance and operations. Meeting quality benchmarks is an investment that supports innovation across aerospace while protecting machines and workers alike. As technology progresses, durable infrastructure remains an essential cornerstone enabling the industry’s continued success, and quality epoxy flooring will help that journey.