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When it comes to industrial flooring, it’s all about performance.

You want your floor to perform adequately based on its intended use. Not every industrial area has the same performance requirements, and there is no “one size fits all” solution.

Industrial Flooring Solutions for Every Area of Your Plant

Polymer floor coating performance characteristics differ greatly from one polymer technology to another. Epoxies are traditionally good workhorse coatings that offer build thickness and exhibit good impact resistance. Urethane coatings offer enhanced chemical resistance and abrasion resistance. Often, a flooring system combining both of these technologies is the recommended solution for an area. A polymer mortar system might be the right system for more heavy-duty floor areas exposed to heavy, abrasive equipment and loads. The same strategy applies for specialty coating technologies, including polyaspartics, vinyl esters, ESD-control coatings, and antimicrobial systems.

In any large-scale industrial environment there can be a number of specialized areas, with specific flooring performance requirements for each function.

For example, pharmaceutical facilities could have these flooring needs:

Plant Area Unique Requirements Recommended Polymer Flooring Technology
Packaging Areas Heavy-Duty Abrasion & Impact Resistance Epoxy Mortar Systems
Warehousing Wear, Dust-Control, Light Reflectivity Epoxy and Urethane Coatings
Clean Rooms Microbe Growth, Static Concerns Antimicrobial and/or ESD-Control Coatings
Chemical Storage Areas Resistance to Chemical Attack Epoxy Novalac or Vinyl Ester Coatings
Dry /Powder Production Spark Resistance Ignition-Control/Anti-Sparking Coatings
Wet Process Areas Resistance to Thermal Shock from Washdowns Antimicrobial and/or Thermal Shock Coatings
Tempered Storage Resistance to Temperature Extremes Thermal Shock-Resistant Urethane Concretes
Traffic Aisles Wear, Impact & Abrasion Resistance Epoxy Coating and Epoxy Mortar Systems
Containment Vessel Areas Resistance to Chemicals and Corrosion Vinyl Ester Linings and Coatings
Equipment Battery Areas Static and Chemical Resistance Static and/or Ignition-Control Coatings
Data/Equipment Rooms Static Control ESD/Static-Control Coatings
Restrooms & Cafeterias Decorative, Easily Cleanable Decorative Coating Systems

As you can see, the flooring requirements presented in each area require a specific coating technology or system type. By breaking down each area of your plant and analyzing its intended use, you can better determine the right flooring system to meet your specific performance requirements.

Does your industrial operation have various flooring requirements? Learn how we can help by downloading our FREE E-Guide “Polymer Flooring – One Solution Does Not Meet All of Your Industrial Needs”.

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