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Vinyl ester resins are a cross between polyester resins and epoxy resins. Vinyl ester resins typically exceed both polyester and epoxy in corrosion resistance, temperature resistance, and elongation (toughness). Because of this unique molecular structure, vinyl esters offer enhanced durability and resilience in demanding industrial environments compared to other resin options. They are generally used when high durability, thermal stability and extremely high corrosion resistance are absolute performance requirements. However, are vinyl ester coatings necessary for concrete or are more standard resins sufficient? Evaluating the specific demands of your facility is crucial.

How vinyl esters compare to other resins

Polyester resins are formed by the reaction between polyols, such as glycol or ethylene glycol, with dibasic acids, such as pthalic acid or maleic acid.

Vinyl ester resins are formulated much more specifically than polyester resins as they are a hybrid form of polyester resin that has been strengthened by the addition of small amounts of epoxy resin. With much more aggressive chemical environments in mind for their use, they are especially effective when used in an organic solvent environment.

When it comes to ambient temperature workability, epoxy resins are difficult to field adjust, whereas vinyl ester can be adjusted for fluctuations in temperature by the addition or deletion of the catalyst. Epoxy is typically suited for climate-controlled environments or open-air jobsite where temperature is between 45 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit.


Chemical Containment Pit – A Typical Application for Vinyl Ester Coatings

Applications requiring extreme chemical resistance

Newer and stronger chemicals are being produced and used in many industrial workplaces. Protection against these stronger chemicals is an important workplace consideration when protecting the building envelope, holding structures and production areas.

The destruction of floors, walls, and tank and containment linings due to chemical attack can cost companies time, money, and many times interrupts production. Proper protection for these harsh environments is crucial to these companies’ success, as well as, industrial floor cleaning routines.

The benefits of vinyl ester coatings and lining

Chemical attack can destroy floors, walls and tank linings quickly. Chemical-resistant vinyl ester flooring, walls, and lining systems contain properties that protect these areas from spills of acids, alkalis, solvents and other corrosive elements. Fillers like glass, mica flake, synthetic fabrics or glass fabrics add to the proven performance of vinyl ester applications, proving outstanding corrosion resistance as well as structural strength.

The disadvantages to vinyl ester coatings and linings

The benefits of vinyl ester coatings and linings are clear. However, they do come with some disadvantages. The primary shortcoming of vinyl ester coatings is their limited shelf life. Many vinyl ester resins only have a three to four-month shelf life, and these specialty coatings have to be mostly “made to order” per project. The relatively short shelf life of many vinyl ester products means coatings usually must be made to order and cannot be stockpiled for future use.


While vinyl ester resins have a more limited shelf life compared to other options, their extreme corrosion and chemical resistance makes them the top choice for protecting industrial surfaces against harsh chemical environments. When high durability and thermal and chemical stability are required, vinyl esters deliver proven protection. The resin’s hybrid molecular structure, strengthened by strategically added epoxy, enables vinyl ester coatings to offer exceptional toughness and longevity even when subjected to continual chemical attack from acids, alkalis, solvents and other corrosive agents. For facilities with strong industrial chemicals, vinyl ester resins deliver security and peace of mind to business owners.

logo5791219_lgIs chemical resistance and corrosion control a requirement for your concrete floors, containment areas or tank structures? Protective Industrial Polymers’ InhibiChem Vinyl Ester Coating and Containment Systems can help! Click here to learn more.

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