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According to NADA (National Automobile Dealers Association), the majority of a dealership’s profit comes from the service and parts department. This accounts for approx 44% of a dealership’s gross profits.

Your service bay floors should be a reflection on your professional image and commitment to quality service. A durable, chemical-resistant, aesthetically-pleasing floor not only provides a solid foundation for your daily operations, but can increase employee morale and, most importantly, impress your clientele. After all, image is everything…as they say.

Going Beyond Aesthetics

Image aside, a high-performance polymer floor can provide a host of benefits, including:

    • Stands up to Heavy Wear and Abuse
    • Resists Chemical Attacks and Tire Staining
    • Light-Reflectance for Improved Efficiency
  • Beauty, Safety and Cleanability

When it comes to polymer flooring, it’s all about performance. You want your floor to perform adequately based on its intended use. Not every area has the same performance requirements, and there is no “one size fits all” solution.

In any service environment there can be a number of specialized areas, with specific flooring performance requirements for each function.  With DealerSpec, we’ve made it easy to choose the right floor coating system to meet your specific area’s performance requirements.

Working for the Weekend?

Typically, auto dealership service centers are closed Saturdays and Sundays. This is the perfect time to perform service bay maintenance work. An efficient polymer flooring crew can start floor preparations shortly after close on Friday and completely transform your service center over the next 48 to 56 hours. Dull, dingy, cracked floors can be filled, prepped, primed and coated with a high-performance polymer flooring system.

With the right planning, products and contractor selection, a typical 5000-10,000 square foot service bay floor project (approx 10-20 work bays) can be completed turnkey over the course of a weekend (Friday evening to Sunday evening). Your service technicians can be working on a brand new floor first thing Monday morning. For larger services centers, the worked can be completed in sections and scheduled as desired.

It Takes the Right Products Installed by the Right Team

Protective Industrial Polymers works with a network of recognized contractors to ensure the installed DealerSpec floor meets the intended specifications. Our systems are jointly warranted for complete confidence when one of our recognized installers is used. We recognize that the best polymer flooring project is only as good as the team behind it – and we have spent years developing the relationships necessary to create these unique teams. PIP and its partnering contractors believe in sharing customer responsibility. The stronger our network of installers is, the stronger we are and the better we can service the end user.

Need help planning your service center floor project?  Download our FREE guide: Polymer Flooring System Solutions for Automotive Dealerships & Service Centers.

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